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Culture and Teams

Culture and Teams

While strategy and process are essential to good product development and product management, these alone will not lead to the sustained success of the organization. People are ultimately what makes an organization successful. It is culture that provides the context within people work and in which product strategy and new product development can be successfully implemented. It is teams and team leadership that provide the working models for how projects happen.

  • What is organization culture and the importance of developing an innovative culture and strategy.
  • What is required to achieve high performing teams. This includes work styles, types of teams, the stages of team development, team leadership and team incentives.

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TED Talks on Team Leadership

Viewpoint Blog | December 6, 2024

Leadership TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights
Rose Klimovich

Profit, money, shareholders: these are the priorities of most business leaders today. But at what cost? Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya calls for an end to the... [Read more]

Ten Tips to Create a Product Community of Practice

kHUB Article | October 24, 2024

Ten Tips to Create a Product Community of Practice
Diana Stepner

Strategies for fostering a community of practice to enhance innovation, professional growth, and cross-cultural collaboration. I conducted an event titled... [Read more]

Together We Create: Integrating customers in product development

PDMA Webcast | September 5, 2024

Together We Create: Integrating customers in product development
Jake McKee

Join us to learn how to harness the Community Voice and revolutionize the way products are conceived... [Read more]

An innovation culture or a culture of continuity

Viewpoint Blog | AUGUST 19, 2024

An innovation culture or a culture of continuity
Jeffrey Phillips

 I've been reading and thinking a lot lately about what is described as a "culture of innovation".  While I would like to think that such an animal exists, the more skeptical... [Read more]

TED Talks on Team Leadership

Viewpoint Blog | AUGUST 13, 2024

TED Talks on Team Leadership
Rose Klimovich

Lead like the Great Conductors - In this video Itay Talgam talks about leading a team the way a conductor leads an orchestra – producing music out of chaos... [Read more]

Sustainable Product Innovation: Integrating B Corp Principles & UN SDGs

PDMA Webcast | August 8, 2024

Sustainable Product Innovation: Integrating B Corp Principles & UN SDGs
Dr. Dawn Rennick

Explore how to seamlessly integrate sustainable product development methodologies and lifecycle management...[Read more]

The Creative Alchemy of Lean Culture

PDMA Webcast | July 25, 2024

The Creative Alchemy of Lean Culture
Christian Wolcott

Let’s jump into the future of leading organizational excellence! In this webcast, we’ll cast forward into the heart of Lean principles, crafted for trailblazing leaders, visionary managers...[Read more]

The Frustration Of The Product Manager Explained

kHUB Article | JULY 12, 2024

The Frustration Of The Product Manager Explained
Toby Adamson

The developers are fighting my plans. Sales isn’t interested in selling my product or introducing me to customers to vet my product. Marketing isn’t giving me the time to promote... [Read more]

The Human-AI Collaboration Revolution

PDMA Webcast | July 25, 2024

The Human-AI Collaboration Revolution
Atif Rafiq

Knowledge work is undergoing its biggest transformation in decades, with AI taking a leading role. Discover why this revolution requires human-AI collaboration, and how it can drive unprecedented growth....[Read more]

Product Team Motivation: How to get a product innovation team past the storming stage

kHUB Article | May 28, 2024

Product Team Motivation: How to get a product innovation team past the storming stage
Rose Klimovich

Teamwork is very important in most innovative product organizations. According to a study by Stanford University, teams that work well  together are 50% more... [Read more]

Development of a multidimensional scale to measure organizational creative capabilities

JPIM Article | April 1, 2024

Development of a multidimensional scale to measure organizational creative capabilities
Guy Parmentier, Zeinab Sheet, Florence Jeannot, Romain Rampa

Although the literature's case and longitudinal studies provide ample evidence of organizational routines... [Read more]

Innovation theater in corporate venturing units: Cultural design as a (de)legitimizing mechanism

JPIM Article | January 24, 2024

Innovation theater in corporate venturing units: Cultural design as a (de)legitimizing mechanism
Dries Faems

This paper builds theory on theatrical cultural design in corporate venturing units, such as manifested in playful esthetics (foosball tables ... [Read more]

Collective turnover and firm innovation: Knowledge-sharing system as a contingency

JPIM Article | January 15, 2024

The uncertainty-handling function of project leaders' political behavior in breakthrough innovation
Manabu Miyao, Gina Colarelli O'Connor, Yoshiko Niwamoto

Innovation management research demonstrates that political behavior is necessary for project leaders to conduct... [Read more]

Employee acceptance of digital transformation strategies: A paradox perspective

JPIM Article | January 10, 2024

Employee acceptance of digital transformation strategies: A paradox perspective
Sascha P. Klein, Patrick Spieth, Matthias Söllner

Digital transformation (DT) strategies often aim at innovating an organization's business models (BMs) and developing digital... [Read more]

A good neighbor, a found treasure: Do local neighbors affect corporate innovation?

JPIM Article | January 4, 2024

A good neighbor, a found treasure: Do local neighbors affect corporate innovation?
Shaopeng Cao, Xin Cui, Jing Liao, Chunfeng Wang, Shouyu Yao

This study examines whether local neighbors operating in different industries... [Read more]

Recognize your audience: Stakeholders' coaptation work to improve political representation in innovation programs

JPIM Article | December 29, 2023

Recognize your audience: Stakeholders' coaptation work to improve political representation in innovation programs
Giovanni Radaelli, Graeme Currie

Managers often exclude some stakeholders from innovation programs, believing they would be “dangerous” for the purpose and pace... [Read more]

Navigating the politics of innovation in family firms: The role of political capital

JPIM Article | December 28, 2023

Navigating the politics of innovation in family firms: The role of political capital
Francesca Capella, Luca Manelli, Federico Frattini, Josip Kotlar, Vittorio Chiesa

In family firms, innovation poses distinct challenges due to the social complexity resulting from the intertwining of the... [Read more]

Ted Talks on Motivating Teams

Viewpoint Blog | December 11, 2023

Motivating Teams - Tedtalks With Practitioner Insights
Rose Klimovich

THE PUZZLE OF MOTIVATION BY DAN PINK - Keeping team members motivated is challenging for leaders. Looking at the science of teams, Dan Pick offers some ways to motivate people... [Read more]

Navigating the politics of innovation in family firms: The role of political capital

JPIM Article | December 5, 2023

“Do as we say and you'll be successful”: Mundane power in corporate entrepreneurship
Lorenzo Skade, Matthias Wenzel, Jochen Koch

Corporate entrepreneurship is infused with power. Prior research has begun to shed light on the role of power in innovation contexts. Yet, we know... [Read more]

Designing Effective Organizations for Product Innovation

kHUB Article | November 17, 2023

Designing Effective Organizations for Product Innovation
Mike Hyzy

Amidst a whirlwind of global competition and ever-shifting consumer demands, the race to innovate and launch groundbreaking products has become the lifeblood... [Read more]

Improve your Facilitation Skills

kHUB Article | November 6, 2023

Improve your Facilitation Skills
Jim Morris

As a coach, I facilitate almost every session that I attend. The group size ranges from 3 to 100 people. These are some of my top techniques for getting the most out of individuals in a group setting... [Read more]

Keynote: The Mindsets of Breakthrough Innovators

2023 Conference | September 19, 2023

Keynote: The Mindsets of Breakthrough Innovators
Matt Phillips

Learn mindsets used by the world's top innovators to get unstuck and unlock a vibrant culture of innovation. We’ve all had that moment where a small shift in how you think opens powerful new possibilities... [Read more]

Working Styles for Product Team Success

Viewpoint Blog | June 8, 2023

Working Styles for Product Team Success
Rose Klimovich

Most companies have many teams working on various product areas. One key area that can be overlooked is how to choose the right people for each team. Understanding potential team members work styles may... [Read more]

Collective turnover and firm innovation: Knowledge-sharing system as a contingency

JPIM Article | MAY 24, 2023

Collective turnover and firm innovation: Knowledge-sharing system as a contingency
Young Jin Ko, Jin Nam Choi

Is high employee turnover harmful to innovation? To answer this question, we draw on the knowledge-based view of innovation. Specifically, we... [Read more]

Board gender diversity, feminine culture, and innovation for environmental sustainability

JPIM Article | March 29, 2023

Board gender diversity, feminine culture, and innovation for environmental sustainability
Ofra Bazel-Shoham, Sang Mook Lee, Surender Munjal, Amir Shoham

The environmental crisis is one of global society's most extreme grand challenges. One of... [Read more]

Improv to Improve Your Team’s Creativity

Podcast | March 23, 2023

Improv to Improve Your Team’s Creativity
Chad McAllister and Seth Greenwald

Our guest is Seth Greenwald, aka Sherpa Seth. He’s a best-selling author, keynote speaker and popular communication coach for creative professionals and technical leaders. He founded Creative Warrior Secrets... [Read more]

Behavioral influences on the relationship between firms' aspiration performance gap and innovation input: The moderating role of executives' vocational socialization

JPIM Article | March 1, 2023

Behavioral influences on the relationship between firms' aspiration performance gap and innovation input: The moderating role of executives' vocational socialization
Chunling Zhu, Yihui Xiao, Ruxi Wang

While extant research shows a curvilinear relationship between aspiration performance... [Read more]

Supercharge Your Communication Skills with the Power of Authenticity

PDMA Webcast | February 23, 2023

Supercharge Your Communication Skills with the Power of Authenticity
Seth B. Greenwald

Every product manager knows that they must wield the power of communication with great effect. After all, according to PMI’s annual global survey, communication...[Read more]

PDMA with Mark Adkins

Podcast | February 28, 2023

Reimagining Engagement in Product Development and Management
Brad Shuck

Dr. Brad Shuck is an internationally recognized and sought-after thought-leader in the areas of employee engagement, leadership, and organizational culture. He... [Read more]

Measuring Motivation

Viewpoint Blog | November 17, 2022

Measuring Motivation
Robert Webber

My last article provided an organizational behavior model of motivation, and how Agile can provide the frequent and timely positive reinforcement to create employee engagement. As leaders... [Read more]

The Combined Impact of Direct and Indirect Ties on Innovation: The Moderating Role of Similarity in Alliance Subtypes

JPIM Article | June 21, 2022

The Combined Impact of Direct and Indirect Ties on Innovation: The Moderating Role of Similarity in Alliance Subtypes
Zhangbo Yang, Chengli Shu, Shanxing Gao, and Hui Wang

Firms increasingly use networks of alliances to pursue innovation. The current innovation literature has offered... [Read more]

The Innovative Work Behavior of External Technology Experts in Collaborative R&D Projects: Uncovering the Role of Multiple Identifications and Extent of Involvement” Views

JPIM Article | June 20, 2022

The Innovative Work Behavior of External Technology Experts in Collaborative R&D Projects: Uncovering the Role of Multiple Identifications and Extent of Involvement
Jeroen Schepers, Jelle de Vries, Néomie Raassens, and Fred Langerak

Manufacturers increasingly involve external technology experts... [Read more]

Good PMs Confidently Manage Products. Great PMs Manage People’s Confidence.

PDMA Webcast | May 19, 2022

Good PMs Confidently Manage Products. Great PMs Manage People’s Confidence.
Alyssa Dver

You nailed the requirements, the engineering processes, and the business plan. You may even be respected for your product knowledge, project... [Read more]

The human side of innovation management: Bridging the divide between the fields of innovation management and organizational behavior

JPIM Article | April 28, 2022

The human side of innovation management: Bridging the divide between the fields of innovation management and organizational behavior
Matthias Weiss, Markus Baer, Martin Hoegl

The human side of innovation management focuses on the people that are carrying out innovative endeavors in... [Read more]

Entrepreneurship and New Product Development: Exploring the “Advantage of Youth” and “Business Acumen” Views

JPIM Article | April 23, 2022

Entrepreneurship and New Product Development: Exploring the “Advantage of Youth” and “Business Acumen” Views
Luca Grilli

We explore the relevance of two different views on new product development (NPD) drivers, defined as “advantage of youth”... [Read more]

Facing the Heat: Political Instability and Firm New Product Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa” and “Business Acumen” Views

JPIM Article | April 4, 2022

Facing the Heat: Political Instability and Firm New Product Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sorin M. S. Krammer and Mario I. Kafouros

We examine how political instability (PI) affects firms' product innovation and the strategies that firms can employ in response to PI. We argue that while... [Read more]

Illuminating opposing performance effects of stressors in innovation teams

JPIM Article | March 26, 2022

Illuminating opposing performance effects of stressors in innovation teams
Stefan Razinskas, Matthias Weiss, Martin Hoegl, Markus Baer

Despite the clear relevance of stressors for the creative work performed by... [Read more]

The Effects of University–Industry Collaboration in Preclinical Research on Pharmaceutical Firms’ R&D Performance: Absorptive Capacity’s Role

JPIM Article | March 3, 2022

The Effects of University–Industry Collaboration in Preclinical Research on Pharmaceutical Firms’ R&D Performance: Absorptive Capacity’s Role
Tetyana Melnychuk and Carsten Schultz

Pharmaceutical firms frequently engage in preclinical research... [Read more]

Ceos’ Marital Status and Corporate Innovation

JPIM Article | February 23, 2022

Ceos’ Marital Status and Corporate Innovation
Yang Zhang, Huanhuan Zheng, Desmond Lam, Xiaoqing Maggie Fu, and Mengling Li

Corporate innovation is an important driver of a firm's value and long-term growth. It is the outcome of the creation and/or recreation of new and existing knowledge as well as... [Read more]

Create Three Distinct Career Paths for Innovators

kHUB Article | February 11, 2022

Create Three Distinct Career Paths for Innovators
Gina Colarelli O’Connor, Andrew Corbett, and Ron Pierantozzi

Big companies are much better at incremental innovation than they are at radical innovation... [Read more]

A Time to Consider, a Time to Deliver: The Independent and Interactive Effects of Regulatory Mode on Innovative Work Behavior

JPIM Article | February 2, 2022

A Time to Consider, a Time to Deliver: The Independent and Interactive Effects of Regulatory Mode on Innovative Work Behavior
Haixin Liu, Alex L. Rubenstein, Guiquan Li, Zhaoyan Liu, Xiaojun Zhan, and Jie Xiong

Although innovative work behavior (IWB) is essential to organizational... [Read more]

Supply Chain Innovation: Conceptualization, Instrument Development, and Influence on Supply Chain Performance

JPIM Article | January 12, 2022

Supply Chain Innovation: Conceptualization, Instrument Development, and Influence on Supply Chain Performance
David T. W. Wong and Eric W. T. Ngai

A supply chain (SC) is seen as a source of competitive advantage, and SC innovation has become a critical research topic in business-to-business... [Read more]

TWhen Cultures Collide: What Can We Learn From Frictions in the Implementation of Design Thinking?

JPIM Article | September 24, 2021

When Cultures Collide: What Can We Learn From Frictions in the Implementation of Design Thinking?
Lisa Carlgren and Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini

Increasing interest in the use of design thinking (DT) in innovation has called into question its integration in organizational settings. We draw... [Read more]

The ambivalent role of monetary sales incentives in service innovation selling

JPIM article | September 17, 2021

The ambivalent role of monetary sales incentives in service innovation selling
Sascha Alavi, Eva Böhm, Johannes Habel, Jan Wieseke, Christian Schmitz, Felix Brüggemann

Complex service innovations constitute a cornerstone in the strategy of numerous....[Read more]

Play and psychological safety: An ethnography of innovative work

JPIM article | September 7, 2021

Play and psychological safety: An ethnography of innovative work
Jinia Mukerjee, Anca Metiu

Based on ethnographic field research in a high-tech firm, we develop a process study of the complex and highly recursive....[Read more]

PDMA Body of Knowledge: Culture, Teams & Leadership Insights #2

Viewpoint Blog | August 27, 2021

7 Lessons from Virtual Team Meetings During the Pandemic
Rose Klimovich

Virtual team meetings have become a regular occurrence during the pandemic. This may usher in a significant change in how businesses operate... [Read more]

Which effort pays off? Analyzing ideators’ behavioral patterns on corporate ideation platforms

JPIM article | August 16, 2021

Which effort pays off? Analyzing ideators’ behavioral patterns on corporate ideation platforms
Michael Gamber, Tobias Kruft, Alexander Kock

The challenge of developing high-quality ideas as the basis of new goods and services is an important topic that coincides with companies’ rapid development of these products. In....[Read more]

Leadership in innovation communities: The impact of transformational leadership language on member participation

JPIM article | June 28, 2021

Leadership in innovation communities: The impact of transformational leadership language on member participation
Laura Becker, Kristof Coussement, Marion Büttgen, Ellen Weber

Many organizations seek to establish online innovation communities (ICs)....[Read more]

Mitigating the dark side of agile teams: Peer pressure, leaders’ control, and the innovative output of agile teams

JPIM article | June 28, 2021

Mitigating the dark side of agile teams: Peer pressure, leaders’ control, and the innovative output of agile teams
Saeed Khanagha, Henk W. Volberda, Andreas Alexiou, Maria Carmela Annosi

Increasingly, organizations have been employing self-managing teams....[Read more]

6 Elements of High Performing Teams

Viewpoint Blog | June 4, 2021

6 Elements of High Performing Teams
Rose Klimovich

In the PDMA Body of Knowledge, Katzenbach and Smith (1993) defined a team as “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to... [Read more]

Interpersonal relationships and creativity at work: A network building perspective

JPIM article | May 4, 2021

Interpersonal relationships and creativity at work: A network building perspective
Muammer Ozer, Guangxi Zhang

The important role of social networks in creativity has long been recognized in the literature. However, research to date has primarily...[Read more]

Another day, another chance: Daily workplace experiences and their impact on creativity

JPIM article | May 4, 2021

Another day, another chance: Daily workplace experiences and their impact on creativity
Alexander S. McKay, Mayoor Mohan, Christopher S. Reina

Creative climate research shows that an employee's perception of their work environment impacts their creative performance. However...[Read more]

The Digital Transformation of Search and Recombination in the Innovation Function

JPIM Article | March 17, 2021

The Digital Transformation of Search and Recombination in the Innovation Function
Gianvito Lanzolla, Danilo Pesce and Christopher L. Tucci

Search and recombination are important mechanisms in the creativity phase of innovation. Digital transformation and the resulting pervasive digitalization of... [Read more]

TEI 317: Culture, teams, and leadership with Teresa Jurgens-Kowal, PhD

Podcast | January 15, 2021

TEI 317: Culture, teams, and leadership with Teresa Jurgens-Kowal, PhD
Chad McAllister

This is another episode in the series on a product management body of knowledge curated by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). If you are unfamiliar with PDMA, it is the... [Read more]

Human Resources Research in Technological Innovation Ecosystem

Whitepaper | January 11, 2021

Human Resources Research in Technological Innovation Ecosystem
Technology Development Foundation of Turkey

The “Human Resources Research in Technological Innovation Ecosystem (in Turkey)", which was conducted by TTGV of Turkey to understand the thoughts, behaviors and expectations of... [Read more]

Corporate Culture

Viewpoint Blog | November 4, 2020

Corporate Culture
Rose Klimovich

The BoK section on Culture, Teams and Leadership leads off with “While strategies, processes, and tools are important for product innovation success, ultimately it is people that really matter.” People are the... [Read more]

Extrinsic Rewards, Intrinsic Motivation, and New Product Development Performance

JPIM Article | October 26, 2020

Extrinsic Rewards, Intrinsic Motivation, and New Product Development Performance
Stacey L. Malek, Shikhar Sarin and Christophe Haon

Reward structures can have a significant impact on the performance of new product development (NPD) teams. However, there are several gaps in our understanding of... [Read more]

Category Leading TSR through Innovation at Church & Dwight

PDMA Webcast | October 1, 2020

Category Leading TSR through Innovation at Church & Dwight
Michael Eknoian and Bryan A. Harpine

2020 Outstanding Corporate Innovator award winner Church & Dwight has recently completed a remarkable decade-long run of 20% annual Total Shareholder Return. This easily leads the Consumer Package Goods... [Read more]

Post‐Failure Success: Sensemaking in Problem Representation Reformulation

JPIM Article | August 18, 2020

Post‐Failure Success: Sensemaking in Problem Representation Reformulation
Marta Morais‐Storz, Nhien Nguyen and Alf Steinar Sætre

Failure is an inevitable feature of innovation, and management research promulgates the importance of learning from it. Key to excelling at an innovation‐based... [Read more]

The Gordian Knot of Practicing Digital Transformation

JPIM Article | August 7, 2020

The Gordian Knot of Practicing Digital Transformation
Pernille Smith and Michela Beretta

Despite increasing scholarly attention on digital transformation, there are only limited micro‐level insights into how incumbent firms organize and manage their digital transformation efforts on a daily basis. Through a... [Read more]

Hedgehog Innovation Teams: Focused, Nimble, Dangerous

kHUB Article | July 29, 2020

Hedgehog Innovation Teams: Focused, Nimble, Dangerous
Patrick Boehnen and Ty Hagler

How might we disrupt the experience of buying a shower door? Pat Boehnen with Predicta and Ty Hagler with Trig share practical lessons from their track record of repeatedly breaking into new consumer product... [Read more]

Making Sense of an Interconnected World

JPIM Article | May 8, 2020

Making Sense of an Interconnected World
Courtney Molloy, Sarah Bankins, Anton Kriz and Lisa Barnes

Social innovation is critical for supporting the economic and social fabric of communities globally. Yet little is known about the processes through which social innovation occurs and how context shapes them... [Read more]

From Empowerment Dynamics to Team Adaptability

JPIM Article | April 10, 2020

From Empowerment Dynamics to Team Adaptability
Anastasia Grass, Julia Backmann and Martin Hoegl

To foster their innovation teams’ adaptability, organizations are increasingly relying on agile teams. While research on the adoption of agile methods and... [Read more]

Continuity, Change, and New Product Performance

JPIM Article | March 17, 2020

Continuity, Change, and New Product Performance
Enrico Forti, Maurizio Sobrero and Andrea Vezzulli

Product development teams often face the challenge of designing radically new products that cater at the same time to the revealed tastes and expectations of... [Read more]

Mitigating the Challenges of Partner Knowledge Diversity While Enhancing Research & Development (R&D) Alliance Performance

JPIM Article | August 23, 2019

Mitigating the Challenges of Partner Knowledge Diversity While Enhancing Research & Development (R&D) Alliance Performance
Jeongho Choi

This article explores the answers to the following unresolved research question: How do firms mitigate the collaboration... [Read more]

The Role of Hybrid Organizations in Scaling Social Innovations in Bottom‐of‐the‐Pyramid Markets

JPIM Article | August 16, 2019

The Role of Hybrid Organizations in Scaling Social Innovations in Bottom‐of‐the‐Pyramid Markets
Jarrod P. Vassallo, Jaideep C. Prabhu, Sourindra Banerjee and Ranjit Voola

While social innovations that solve financial exclusion have gained increasing attention as a means of helping the... [Read more]

Digital-First Remote Collaboration

PDMA Webcast | November 15, 2018

Digital-First Remote Collaboration
Jay Melone

More and more of our teams these days are working from home, from another city, or from another part of the world. Remote work has been growing in acceptance, but also in efficiency. Companies are faced with either accepting the reality of our new... [Read more]

Mysteries of Innovation Culture

PDMA Webcast | October 18, 2018

Mysteries of Innovation Culture
Jeremy Alexis

The mysteries of innovation culture: if these ideas are so good... why are they so hard to implement?The adoption of innovation methods and design thinking has left many companies with numerous ideas and ambition for creating change, but little... [Read more]

Agile Strategies & Startup Thinking in Large Companies (Part 2)

PDMA Webcast | October 13, 2015

Agile Strategies & Startup Thinking in Large Companies (Part 2)
Irene Spitsberg

Large companies are not start-ups and never will be! They are designed and operate differently. To innovate effectively, large companies can’t simply replicate start-up principles. Rather, they must adapt start-up principles in... [Read more]

Agile Strategies & Startup Thinking in Large Companies (Part 1)

PDMA Webcast | October 6, 2015

Agile Strategies & Startup Thinking in Large Companies (Part 1)
Irene Spitsberg

Large companies are not start-ups and never will be! They are designed and operate differently. To innovate effectively, large companies can’t simply replicate start-up principles. Rather, they must adapt start-up principles in... [Read more]

2015 Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award Winner: Becton Dickinson

kHUB Article | 2015

2015 Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award Winner: Becton Dickinson
Ellen Strahlman

The only innovation award of its kind, the Outstanding Corporate Innovator (OCI) award honors an organization that has demonstrated five or more years of sustained and quantifiable innovation success. This year... [Read more]

Trends in Breakthrough Innovation and Growth

PDMA Webcast | June 19, 2014

Trends in Breakthrough Innovation and Growth
Kevin Schwartz

How are companies using innovation to drive growth in spite of accelerating, disruptive change? During this webcast, Kevin Schwartz, a co-lead of PwC's Innovation management consulting practice... [Read more]

Pathway to Success: How to Break Down Barriers that Stand in the Way of Successful Innovation

PDMA Webcast | September 26, 2013

Pathway to Success: How to Break Down Barriers that Stand in the Way of Successful Innovation
Susan Ward

Companies are under increasing pressure to deliver on innovation. More projects, faster time to market, and less risk are all demanded, not only to stay competitive... [Read more]

Learn Social Networking from IBM: How to Get the Biggest Payback

PDMA Webcast | June 20, 2013

Learn Social Networking from IBM: How to Get the Biggest Payback
Ed Brill

Can social networking help you build better products or be a better product manager? According to IBM executive and author Ed Brill, the answer is yes. In this webcast, Brill discusses “Opting In,” lessons in... [Read more]

Enhancing Innovation Through Business and University Partnerships

kHUB Article | 2013

Enhancing Innovation Through Business and University Partnerships
Joshua L. Cohen, Ronald G. Kander and Gail Martino

This was the logical conclusion reached after PDMA Philadelphia Chapter’s interactive event at Philadelphia University, affectionately known as “PhilaU.” An esteemed... [Read more]

The Power of Communities

kHUB Article | 2013

The Power of Communities
Guarav Bhalla

The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics was recently awarded to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs, the two scientists who independently laid out the theoretical framework for the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson and the Higgs field form two of the cornerstones of what... [Read more]

Improve Time to Market with the Resources You Have Today

kHUB Article | 2013

Improve Time to Market with the Resources You Have Today
Carrie Nauyalis

Product development organizations are constantly searching for ways to improve time to market, reduce the total cost of development and more effectively prioritize winning ideas. According to a global study... [Read more]

The Barnacle Theory: Please Don’t Foul the Hull

kHUB Article | 2013

The Barnacle Theory: Please Don’t Foul the Hull
Mark B. Mondry

"True innovators will attract large clusters of people and organizations who seek to ride along on the innovation, attaching themselves to its likely success with no intent to assist in achieving a positive outcome other... [Read more]

An NPD Professional’s Entrepreneurial Journey Using the Principles of Effectuation

kHUB Article | 2013

An NPD Professional’s Entrepreneurial Journey Using the Principles of Effectuation
Lee Goldring

The book, “Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise,” published in 2008 by Dr. Saras Sarasvathy and colleagues, culminated a nearly decade-long exploration of the theory of effectuation in the... [Read more]

Please Take Risks: Even in Your Career

kHUB Article | 2013

Please Take Risks: Even in Your Career
Mark B. Mondry

It was warm and sunny outside, but the weather didn’t match his mood. He had just emerged from a windowless conference room meeting with his supervisor, and his emotions sank into in a dreary coldness of winter. He was very confused... [Read more]

10 Rules of Thumb for I.N.N.O.V.A.T.I.O.N. in Your Company

kHUB Article | 2013

10 Rules of Thumb for I.N.N.O.V.A.T.I.O.N. in Your Company
Anne Orban

Accepting the innovation challenge can feel like a leap of faith. Practitioners whose careers have been deeply involved in innovation provide personal insights from their experiences on these rules of thumb developed as... [Read more]

Think Big: Seek Out ‘Impact Collaborations’

kHUB Article | 2013

Think Big: Seek Out ‘Impact Collaborations’
Mark B. Mondry

We built today’s global innovation economy from collaboration. Identifying new ways of solving problems and serving needs, these collaborations created new products that are better, faster and/or cheaper. This is the essence of collaborative creation... [Read more]

DNA of a Connected Innovator: Nurture eight characteristics to spark connected innovation

kHUB Article | 2013

DNA of a Connected Innovator: Nurture eight characteristics to spark connected innovation
Jeff Bellairs

In my role overseeing the open innovation strategy at General Mills, I’m well aware that achieving true innovation success takes a number of distinct roles and personalities, each of which brings... [Read more]

Five Keys to New Product Success: What Big Brands Know

PDMA Webcast | September 27, 2012

Five Keys to New Product Success: What Big Brands Know
Gerry O'Brion

Grow your business like the big guys, using the same strategies they use. Big brands do a few things well and do them consistently over time. Gerry O'Brion has worked on several billion dollar brands, and has... [Read more]

Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms

kHUB Article | 2012

Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms
Dr. Abbie Griffin, Dr. Raymond L. Price, and Dr. Bruce A. Vojak

Can large, mature firms routinely create successful breakthrough innovations? At best, such efforts have... [Read more]

Soft Skills for Open Innovation Success

kHUB Article | 2012

Soft Skills for Open Innovation Success
Gail Martino and John Bartolone

The open innovation (OI) professional is a rare breed—part entrepreneur, deal maker, alliance manager and project manager. Success in this role requires a true balance of talent and skills to drive growth from new sources and business models... [Read more]

The Missing Link in Innovative Research

kHUB Article | 2012

The Missing Link in Innovative Research
Anna Pettersson and August Vlak

When the pipeline of technological breakthroughs has stalled, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, midlevel managers may hold the key to research and development (R&D) productivity. Despite continuous growth in research and development... [Read more]

Steve Jobs: A Product Developer's Perspective

kHUB Article | 2012

Steve Jobs: A Product Developer's Perspective
Brad Barbera

Since the death of Steve Jobs on Oct. 5, 2011, innumerable magazine articles, a multitude of blogs and a best-selling book have been published about his life and contributions to the world. Publishing yet... [Read more]

Responding to Global Innovation Challenges

PDMA Webcast | May 12, 2010

Responding to Global Innovation Challenges
Rob Shelton and Vivek Singhal

The Global Innovation Challenges on-demand webcast will begin to explore the key issues and challenges that companies have faced with global innovation. The one-hour session will be built around discussion of the following questions... [Read more]

Develop This, You the Product

kHUB Article

Develop This, You the Product
Mark B. Mondry

“To evade decline, we need to become intrinsically self-motivated about innovation, not just looking at innovation as something we do for an organization during the workday.” You are attending an innovation conference following a full day of presentations... [Read more]