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Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

Portfolio management ensures that the collection of product innovation projects is aligned with strategy and resource availability. Important considerations include:

  • The types of projects to be included in the innovation portfolio
  • The relationship of the product innovation portfolio to the overall business strategy
  • Criteria and methods commonly used to select projects to achieve a desired portfolio balance

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  • Hi Sue, thanks for your massage. We would certainly be interested in posting a summary ob the KHUB, ...

The Future of Digitalizing your Innovation Portfolio

PDMA Webcast | June 6, 2024

The Future of Digitalizing your Innovation Portfolio
Paul Heller

The most common method used to digitalize a portfolio, be it products or innovation projects, uses Microsoft Excel. But that won't scale, and it won't position you to take advantage of the benefits that AI...[Read more]

How marketers influence product platform decisions: A configurational approach

JPIM Article | JANUARY 21, 2024

How marketers influence product platform decisions: A configurational approach
Edwin J. Nijssen, Ties van Bommel

This study identifies the political behavior marketers use to ensure the market fit of a new product platform. Drawing on two political NPD literature streams and configuration theory, the authors explain... [Read more]

Prioritization - Balancing Value and Effort

PDMA Webcast | September 25, 2023

Prioritization - Balancing Value and Effort
Greg Coticchia

Learn the product prioritization method that works for high-performing product managers. Listen as Sopheon's CEO, Greg Coticchia, shares his 4-Up prioritization methodology that has worked really well for him. A truly invaluable recording for...[Read more]

Portfolio and Portfolio Management: PDMA Body of Knowledge: Chapter 2 Insights

Viewpoint Blog | June 1, 2023

Portfolio and Portfolio Management: PDMA Body of Knowledge: Chapter 2 Insights
Salvador Gonzalez-Garcia

According to the PDMA Body of Knowledge 2nd edition, a portfolio is “A set of projects or products that an organization is investing in and making strategic trade-offs against”. On the other hand...[Read more]

The effects of institutional investors on firms' green innovation

JPIM Article | November 30, 2022

The effects of institutional investors on firms' green innovation
Jianyu Zhao, Jing Qu, Jiang Wei, Hang Yin, Xi Xi

Stakeholder theory suggests that institutional investors, as firms' vital stakeholders, might play a crucial role in influencing firms' green innovation. Considering both the shareholding and portfolio... [Read more]

The Innovator’s Media Dilemma: How Journalists Cover Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies

JPIM Article | November 18, 2022

The Innovator’s Media Dilemma: How Journalists Cover Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies
Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, Andreas König, Richard Banfield, Markus Rauch, & Angelo Boutalikakis

We offer a new vantage to the literature on the role of infomediaries in incumbent firms' struggles to adopt... [Read more]

Do Business Customers Perceive What Salespeople Believe? Perceptions of Salesperson Adoption of Innovations

JPIM Article | September 13, 2022

Do Business Customers Perceive What Salespeople Believe? Perceptions of Salesperson Adoption of Innovations
Herbert Endres, Roland Helm, Christian Schmitz, & Christine Hofstetter

A salesperson's commitment and effort toward an innovation can determine whether the customer agrees to buy it... [Read more]

Spinning Straw Into Gold: Innovation Recycling, Innovation Sourcing Modes, and Innovation Ability in Sub-Saharan Africa

JPIM Article | July 18, 2022

Spinning Straw Into Gold: Innovation Recycling, Innovation Sourcing Modes, and Innovation Ability in Sub-Saharan Africa
Rebecca Yu Li, Carlos M. P. Sousa, Xinming He, and Yansong Hu

As innovation is inherently risky and uncertain, it is common for firms to suspend or abandon new product/service... [Read more]

Overcoming the Negative Role of Nostalgia in Consumer Reactions to Automated Products

JPIM Article | June 21, 2022

Overcoming the Negative Role of Nostalgia in Consumer Reactions to Automated Products
Patrick Kremer, Sven Feurer, Ju-Young Kim, and Steve Hoeffler

Automated products that take over tasks that consumers used to carry out themselves are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but consumers continue to... [Read more]

Strategic and Cultural Contexts of Real Options Reasoning in Innovation Portfolios

JPIM Article | May 7, 2022

Strategic and Cultural Contexts of Real Options Reasoning in Innovation Portfolios
Carsten Kaufmann, Alexander Kock, and Hans Georg Gemünden

Decision makers find creating an innovation portfolio challenging, because more innovative projects are associated with a higher degree of uncertainty. In this study... [Read more]

Organizational Antecedents to Bootlegging and Consequences for the Newness of the Innovation Portfolio

JPIM Article | April 22, 2022

Organizational Antecedents to Bootlegging and Consequences for the Newness of the Innovation Portfolio
Dietfried Globocnik, Birgit Peña Häufler, and Søren Salomo

Literature on strategy, innovation, and portfolio management has recently shown increased interest in the concept... [Read more]

Portfolio Simulation

Video | February 16, 2022

Portfolio Simulation
David Matheson

SmartOrg’s CEO David Matheson gave a lecture on portfolio management at Stanford University. In this lecture, he covers key principles of portfolio management, prioritizing your portfolio, framing, and better decision-making, as well as his signature portfolio simulation. [Read more]

Related and Unrelated Product Diversification and Collaboration Strategies: Comparison Between the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries

JPIM Article | February 22, 2022

Related and Unrelated Product Diversification and Collaboration Strategies: Comparison Between the Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Industries
Keungoui Kim, Junmin Lee, Junseok Hwang, and Eungdo Kim

In pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, developing... [Read more]

“Distance” in Intellectual Property Protection and MNE’s Foreign Subsidiary Innovation Performance

JPIM Article | February 15, 2022

“Distance” in Intellectual Property Protection and MNE’s Foreign Subsidiary Innovation Performance
Palitha Konara, Georgios Batsakis, and Vikrant Shirodkar

Drawing on the institution-based view of intellectual property (IP) rights, we argue that “distance” in IP protection strength of MNEs’ home and host countries reduces the ability... [Read more]

How Can Platforms Decrease Their Dependence on Traditional Indirect Network Effects? Innovating Using Platform Envelopment

JPIM Article | September 7, 2021

How Can Platforms Decrease Their Dependence on Traditional Indirect Network Effects? Innovating Using Platform Envelopment
B. J. Allen, Deepa Chandrasekaran, and Richard T. Gretz

Platform-based industries are characterized by indirect network effects, wherein... [Read more]

Sustaining Complement Quality for Digital Product Platforms

JPIM Article | March 10, 2021

Sustaining Complement Quality for Digital Product Platforms
Susan Hilbolling, Hans Berends, Fleur Deken and Philipp Tuertscher

Innovation in a digital world increasingly revolves around open platforms that consist of a core technology and a large variety of complementary products developed... [Read more]

TEI 311: Portfolio Management and the PDMA Body of Knowledge for Innovators and Product Managers

podcast | January 18, 2021

TEI 311: Portfolio Management and the PDMA Body of Knowledge for Innovators and Product Managers
Chad McAllister

This is the next episode in the series on a product management body of knowledge I’m doing every-other-week. We are exploring the Product Development and Management Association’s (PDMA) guide to the... [Read more]

Prioritize Portfolio Projects According to Business Strategy

viewpoint blog | December 2, 2020

Prioritize Portfolio Projects According to Business Strategy
Richard Lefrandt

For successful business, sustainable growth strategy requires focusing and executing on the right stabilizing proportional product portfolio mix. Prioritizing the portfolio projects according to business strategy ensures proper alignment with company goals... [Read more]

Essential Insight for Product Professionals

PDMA Webcast | June 19, 2020

Essential Insight for Product Professionals
Scott Propp

The events that have taken place in 2020 have not only taken a toll on individuals, but also on businesses, projects and products regardless of size. No matter what type of disruption businesses are facing, whether in the environment, market, or within the enterprise, most strategies and... [Read more]

Achieving Quality and Speed ... With Three Easy Hacks

kHUB Article | December 11, 2019

Achieving Quality and Speed ... With Three Easy Hacks
Lauren Lackey

In my 31 years of product development, I have seen the struggle when developers are asked to trade off quality for speed, only to have issues in the back end of execution.  Product developers are faced with many decisions on what to develop and how to deliver the... [Read more]

Toward a Contingent Model of Mirroring Between Product and Organization

JPIM Article | October 28, 2019

Toward a Contingent Model of Mirroring Between Product and Organization
Ezekiel Leo

Much of the contemporary modularity literature subscribes to the idea that increased product modularity is associated with advantageous increase in organizational modularity. Known as the “mirroring hypothesis,” this proposed relationship states that the... [Read more]

Portfolio Mixology! How to Manage Successful Portfolios

PDMA Webcast | March 21, 2019

Portfolio Mixology! How to Manage Successful Portfolios
Mark Bouchea and Corey Fiedler

Whether your product portfolio is small or large, balancing multiple products at different points in their product lifecycle in order to create the optimal mix can be challenging.  In this session, two senior product leaders will share their approach to product... [Read more]

5 Key Lessons for Successful Portfolio Optimization

PDMA Webcast | August 3, 2016

5 Key Lessons for Successful Portfolio Optimization
Stephen Wilson

Getting to the right portfolio is critical for growth and cost management. Reshaping your portfolio to one that will inspire customers, make money for the business and spur further growth is crucial. In this session, Stephen Wilson, managing partner and... [Read more]

Up To 80% Of Your Products Are Losing Money

kHUB Article | 2016

Up To 80% Of Your Products Are Losing Money
Scott Stallbaum and Andrew Ly

Customers expect more products, in more varieties, faster than ever before. As a result, organizations have responded by developing new products and services, entering new geographies and investing in new technologies. The result is often a... [Read more]

Integrated Product Portfolio and Project Management

kHUB Article | 2016

Integrated Product Portfolio and Project Management
The Oliver Wight

New Product Portfolio and Project Management can be one of the most challenging components to implement in the Integrated Business Planning (IBP) process model. On the surface, the concepts are fairly straightforward and integrated with a company’s strategic... [Read more]

Driving Innovation in Your Portfolio

PDMA Webcast | November 15, 2012

Driving Innovation in Your Portfolio
David Matheson

This Webcast will be a review of the highlights and profound findings in the all-day Lab held at the PDMA PIM 2012 Conference in Orlando, Florida on Monday, October 22nd, 2012... [Read more]

    Powering Next Gen Innovation

    kHUB Article | 2012

    Powering Next Gen Innovation
    Maureen Carlson

    The pace of industry is quickening: New technologies and breakthroughs are begetting innovations at a rapid clip. Is a chain reaction about to usher in a new era of technology synchronization, efficiency and communication?  [Read more]

    A Fresh Look at R&D Decisions

    kHUB Article | 2012

    A Fresh Look at R&D Decisions
    Jason LeBoeuf and Marc Drucker

    The R&D Manager’s Dilemma Consider this: You are the research and development (R&D) manager tasked with making the business-critical decision of which new product development programs your organization will pursue. The mix of new programs includes an... [Read more]

    Aligning Product Portfolios with Strategic Plans

    kHUB Article | 2012

    Aligning Product Portfolios with Strategic Plans
    Iain King

    It is generally recognized that one key to maximizing the return on investment (ROI) from product innovation is to ensure that portfolio decisions are driven by business and product strategy. However, many... [Read more]

    So What Did LEGO Do, Anyway?

    khub article | 2012

    So What Did LEGO Do, Anyway?
    PDMA Visions Magazine Staff

    In the last edition of Visions, our LEGO hero was perched precariously on the edge of business collapse. The LEGO group, facing severe economic hardship, had turned to innovation to save the organization.... [Read more]

    Principles of Strategic Portfolio Management

    PDMA Webcast | May 20, 2010

    Principles of Strategic Portfolio Management
    David Matheson

    It is challenging to make strategic decisions about your portfolio such as prioritizing projects, culling out those unlikely to pay off, focusing resources, and determining investment levels. Organizations face with significant uncertainty, conflicting objectives and... [Read more]