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Innovators Respond to World Events

Innovators Respond to World Events

This section provides members the chance to connect and share ideas about how they, as product development professionals, can come together and provide ideas, relief and services during times of crisis and changing political, social and economic times.

If you have any comments you'd like to share with PDMA Leadership that you do not wish to be posted publicly, you can email them to us at

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  • RE: Developing CubeSats

    CourseFPX is a modern online learning platform designed to offer comprehensive study solutions for students, ...

Innovation Management During and After a Pandemic

PDMA Webcast | March 10, 2022

Innovation Management During and After a Pandemic
Speakers: Greg Geracie, Actuation Consulting; Oscar Acuña, Factum Partners
Moderator: Ernie Harris, BASIC Benefits

Please join PDMA’s past President Ernie Harris as he moderates a discussion between Greg Geracia, CEO of Actuation... [Read more]

The Road Ahead Is Digital for Innovation Management and There Is No Way Back

JPIM Article | May 5, 2021

The Road Ahead Is Digital for Innovation Management and There Is No Way Back
Martin Wetzels

The thought-provoking paper by Cooper (2021) provides a beacon for researchers across disciplines contributing to the domain of innovation management. Cooper (2021) identifies... [Read more]

The Study of Product Team Performance: Pandemic Edition

Whitepaper | May 25, 2021

The Study of Product Team Performance: Pandemic Edition
Actuation Consulting

Since 2012, Actuation Consulting has done research to expand knowledge of the common factors driving high performance teams, explaining why some product teams excel while others struggle... [Read more]

Accelerating Innovation and Protecting Organizations: Pluralism in the COVID-19 Age

JPIM Article | May 5, 2021

Accelerating Innovation and Protecting Organizations: Pluralism in the COVID-19 Age
José Antonio Rosa

Cooper's (2021) “Among logicians, pluralism is the view that under certain circumstances, such as when contending opinions over priorities and time horizons are present, there may... [Read more]

Will Haste Make Waste: A Counter-Point to the Benefits of Accelerating Innovations

JPIM Article | April 22, 2021

Will Haste Make Waste: A Counter-Point to the Benefits of Accelerating Innovations
Raji Srinivasan

No abstract is available for this article.

Paving a Path for a Post-COVID-19 Innovative Environment

JPIM Article | April 22, 2021

Paving a Path for a Post-COVID-19 Innovative Environment
Rebecca J. Slotegraaf

Cooper's (2021) “Accelerating Innovation: Some Lessons from the Pandemic” offers a clear reminder of not only the benefits but also the reality of acceleration in new product development. Indeed, when... [Read more]

Accelerating innovation: some lessons from the pandemic

JPIM Article | April 14, 2021

Accelerating innovation: some lessons from the pandemic
Robert G. Cooper

The Pandemic taught us that accelerated new‐product development is more important than ever, and provided examples of firms developing breakthrough products in record time. This article outlines... [Read more]

Turbo-charging Telemedicine

Viewpoint Blog | August 20, 2020

Turbo-charging Telemedicine
Daniel Lewis

The categorization of COVID-19 as a global pandemic is turbo-charging traditional health care firms' efforts toward the provisioning of digital and virtual healthcare in an attempt to treat the masses while minimizing risk to the limited pool of care providers... [Read more]

An Open Letter from PDMA

Viewpoint Blog | June 23, 2020

An Open Letter from PDMA
PDMA Headquarters

African American, Hispanic, Middle Eastern and other peoples deal with systemic racism every day of their lives. PDMA is committed to unifying activities that create positive experiences for members and non-members alike, thereby enabling growth and... [Read more]

CPG talents meet the needs of the COVID-19 Crisis

Viewpoint Blog | May 13, 2020

CPG talents meet the needs of the COVID-19 Crisis
Peter Clarke

At a time when there’s a lot of difficult information to absorb, we wanted to provide some bright, happy news about a corporate partnership that quickly pivoted to do some good in local communities... [Read more]

Commercial Strategies for Growth in Changing Economic Times

PDMA Webcast | April 16, 2020

Commercial Strategies for Growth in Changing Economic Times
Ben Malakoff

The rapidly changing global landscape of trade, commerce and financial markets has caused customers and prospects to re-evaluate buying decisions and shift their focus away from evaluating new products... [Read more]

PDMA Professionals: Bringing Innovation to the Front Lines of the Global Pandemic

Viewpoint Blog | April 16, 2020

PDMA Professionals: Bringing Innovation to the Front Lines of the Global Pandemic
PDMA Headquarters

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) community has come together, within the organization and at member companies, to answer the global call to arms from the... [Read more]