5 Key Lessons for Successful Portfolio Optimization

5 Key Lessons for Successful Portfolio Optimization

5 Key Lessons for Successful Portfolio Optimization

Stephen Wilson, Wilson Perumal & Company

Originally presented: August 3, 2016
Watch time: 3 minutes

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Getting to the right portfolio is critical for growth and cost management. Reshaping your portfolio to one that will inspire customers, make money for the business and spur further growth is crucial. In this session, Stephen Wilson, managing partner and co-founder of Wilson Perumal & Company, will discuss five key lessons from the front lines, based on his organization’s experience supporting companies with portfolio optimization efforts and research on best practices.

Your time is precious, so why spend it viewing this webcast? In addition to hearing about the five key lessons to portfolio optimization, the webcast will

  • Ensure you are familiar with the six key facets of portfolio optimization.
  • Give you an introduction to a powerful alternative to Activity-Based Costing: Square-Root Costing, which is a faster more dynamic approach to quantifying complexity costs and understanding true profitability.
  • Teach you how to overcome a key barrier to portfolio optimization—concern over the impact to revenues—by leveraging “substitutability” to cut complexity while keeping revenues.
  • Provide knowledge about the many benefits of portfolio optimization, both from a growth and profitability perspective. 

About the Presenter

Stephen Wilson is the managing partner and co-founder of Wilson Perumal & Company. He works with senior leadership teams in corporations and private equity groups, advising them on critical strategy and operations issue. Stephen has written extensively on the topics of growth strategy, cost-competitiveness, organizational development and, in particular, on the issue of competing in today’s complex world. He is the co-author of “Waging War on Complexity Costs” (McGraw-Hill, 2009). His latest book, “Growth in the Age of Complexity,” will be published in 2016.

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