Combining Jobs-To-Be-Done and Journey Mapping: An Innovative Approach to Innovation

When You Built It, But They Didn't Come

Combining Jobs-To-Be-Done and Journey Mapping: An Innovative Approach to Innovation

Steve Hansen, Phase 5

kHUB post date: July 22, 2022
Originally presented: June 2, 2022
Watch time: 60 minutes

Access the Webcast

In this webcast Steve Hansen, partner at Phase 5 and erstwhile product manager, will demonstrate how combining the Jobs-To-Be-Done and Journey Mapping frameworks helps you build a more comprehensive innovation strategy. Rooted in the belief that Customer Centricity is the new competitive battlefield for businesses, Steve’s presentation will show why and how the two work well together and deliver superior results.

Learning Objectives:

  • A better understanding of both frameworks applied to innovation and product development
  • How to practically design research using the hybrid approach
  • Do’s and don’ts to maximize success

About the Presenter

Steve Hansen

Steve Hansen is a partner at Phase 5, the chair of the firm’s Data Analytics practice, and President of Phase 5 US.

Steve enjoys taking a “Zen mind, beginner’s mind” approach to innovation, especially when it has the potential to disrupt a market ecosystem.

His professional background includes: Lecturer in Innovation in the Peking University Guanghua MBA program, Director of Market Research at Thomson Reuters, and various technology product management roles. Steve is regularly invited to speak at industry events on customer centricity throughout the innovation cycle.

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