Ted Talks on Motivating Teams
By Rose Klimovich
kHUB Post Date: December 11, 2023
Read Time: 2 Minutes
The Puzzle of Motivation by Dan Pink

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Keeping team members motivated is challenging for leaders. Looking at the science of teams, Dan Pick offers some ways to motivate people. Dan Pink’s 2009 TED talk uses humor and personal experience to explain how the business model of carrot and stick stifles motivation rather than driving it. Pink explains that for more complicated problems needing cognitive skills, giving the team leader flexibility and adapting your motivational model to more intrinsic motivation is the best way to keep your team driven.
Watch Time: 18 minutes
The Simple Way to Inspire Your Team by David Burkus

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When people do a job, they need to understand the purpose of what they are doing. But it turns out that most people are less inspired by a compelling answer to “Why?” and more motivated by a clear answer to the question “Who is served by the work that we do?”
Watch Time: 11 minutes
Stop Trying to Motivate Your Employees by Kerry Goyette

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People have different motivation styles. A leader needs to understand how each person is motivated and put them on projects that match a person’s style. Overall, there are 2 categories of motivation - seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. On the pleasure side traits like ambition and accountability dominate. On the avoid pain side: mitigating risk and resolving problem solving are important.
Watch Time: 17 minutes