TEI 311: Portfolio Management and the PDMA Body of Knowledge for Innovators and Product Managers Chad McAllister kHUB post date: January 18, 2021 Originally published: 2020 (The Everyday Innovator Podcast) Read time: 36 minutes Access the Podcast This is the next episode in the series on...
PDMA Body of Knowledge: Product Design & Development Tools Insights #1 Read time: 10 minutes The kHUB Curator Team members have each been assigned a BoK section to own. This includes seeking, editing and sharing content related to that section. The curators are also sharing their...
PDMA Body of Knowledge: Product Innovation Process Insights #1 Read time: 8 minutes The kHUB Curator Team members have each been assigned a BoK section to own. This includes seeking, editing and sharing content related to that section. The curators are also sharing their perspective of...
Portfolio Management Portfolio management ensures that the collection of product innovation projects is aligned with strategy and resource availability. Important considerations include: The types of projects to be included in the innovation portfolio The relationship of the product...
Strategy The organization’s vision and goals articulate where it wants to go in the future. Strategy provides, at a high level, the approach, investments and initiatives for how to reach the goals. Strategy lies at the very heart of an organization's sustenance and growth. It lays the...
Product Design and Development Product innovation is a strategic dynamic capability that allows firms to create, design, develop, and maintain competitive offerings to customers and markets. This capability requires managers to develop competencies and skills in the methodologies, techniques,...
Product Innovation Process A structured and consistent Product Innovation Process provides an approach, which is commonly understood and accepted by the whole organization, for successfully and sustainably developing new products or making improvements to existing products. It is recognized as...
Market Research in Product Innovation Product and design managers must reduce uncertainty at various stages of the product innovation process. Market research includes a range of techniques and methodologies for this purpose. It can occur as a continuous activity to measure a market’s pulse, to...
Product Innovation Management Product Innovation Management maximizes the return from product innovation via the application of sound management practices throughout the product life cycle. It goes beyond initial product innovation and launch to consider the full product life cycle, and...
Culture and Teams While strategy and process are essential to good product development and product management, these alone will not lead to the sustained success of the organization. People are ultimately what makes an organization successful. It is culture that provides the context within...