Entrepreneurial Ways of Designing and Designerly Ways of Entrepreneuring: Exploring the Relationship Between Design Thinking and Effectuation Theory Nico Florian Klenner, Gerda Gemser, and Ingo Oswald Karpen kHUB post date: December 8, 2022 Originally published: June 07, 2021 (PDMA JPIM • Vol 39, Issue 1 • January 2022) Read time: 60 minutes Access the Full Article Scholars have suggested that design thinking and effectuation theory may enrich each other
An NPD Professional’s Entrepreneurial Journey Using the Principles of Effectuation Lee Goldring Originally published: 2013 (PDMA Visions Magazine • Issue 3, 2013 • Vol 37 • No 3) Read time: 9 minutes The book, “Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise,” published in 2008 by Dr
Chapter 3 – Product Innovation Process NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT IN AN ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPANY New Product Development (NPD) is considered critical for the survival and growth of any organisation
A Product Owner’s Journey from Scribe to Entrepreneur PDMA St. Louis | February 7, 2023 Join Don McGreal, co-author of the best-selling Professional Product Owner book, while he shares his journey from a ‘scribe' toward ‘entrepreneur’. Scribes spend their days specifying and communicating requirements while entrepreneurs focus more on strategy and ROI. We will discuss popular Product Management activities - some of which should be considered core to an entrepreneurial Product Owner, some that should be delegated, and some that should be avoided all together
Considering a sample of more than 4000 Italian entrepreneurs of innovative start-ups, a series of econometric analyses confirm that both effects apply and reveal interesting nuances as to the relevance of the age effect and the relative importance of different dimensions of entrepreneurs' business acumen on NPD. Further additional analyses highlight how both the “advantage of youth” and “business acumen” do not necessarily lead to successful entrepreneurial NPD, but at the same time, they both are found to importantly characterize top performers among entrepreneurs engaging in NPD
Product Innovation – The Next Generation Sue Burek, Søren Salomo, Kevin Caves, Bengisu Berispek, and Andrew Varvara Originally presented: December 8, 2022 Watch time: 50 minutes Access the Webcast Join us for an overview of PDMA’s Global Student Innovation Challenge – learn about how students, professors, entrepreneurs and practitioners use process and best practices to launch successful products. PDMA’s Global Student Innovation Challenge provides a stage for young entrepreneurs to develop ideas driven towards innovation-based ventures, and helps students transition from academic to real-world practitioners
There are three basic types of ‘preneurs: entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and nonpreneurs. I will briefly characterize each of them before putting them into a bigger career picture. Entrepreneurs: The Individualists You know what an entrepreneur looks like
To do so, we approach the business model as a dynamic construct that crosses organizational boundaries and develop an empirically grounded multilevel model that links entrepreneurs' practices (micro-level), organizational management (meso-level), and innovation system dynamics (macro-level)
Further, we analyze the moderating influence of an innovation portfolio's organizational context—entrepreneurial orientation and innovation climate—on ROR's application
As a leadership and entrepreneur coach she helps people emerging leaders and entrepreneurs grow their career or business