Triple-A Innovation Portfolio Management

Triple-A Innovation Portfolio Management

PDMA DACH | April 15, 2021

Innovation Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a complex and dynamic decision-making process involving innovation projects’ selection, ongoing coordination and benefits realization. Today’s VUCA world demands that companies develop capabilities in Triple-A PPM: they need to be ambidextrous, agile, and adaptive to react to changes but also to strategically position themselves for the future. Ambidexterity means simultaneously leveraging existing innovation positions and building new innovation potentials. Agility means that both projects and portfolio decision-making processes are designed to be more agile. Strategic adaptiveness means to create and exploit emergent strategic paths based on options-oriented principles and using consecutive sequences of projects that follow a roadmap. The presentation gives an overview on Triple-A PPM and how it contributes to innovation success.

Learning objectives:

  • Gain an overview on a longitudinal PPM Benchmarking Study analyzing project portfolios and their performance
  • Generate an understanding of performance drivers of PPM, specifically concerning ambidexterity, agility, and strategic adaptiveness
  • Provide answers to critical questions on how companies can improve their strategic PPM competences

About the Presenters

Hans Georg Gemünden

Hans Georg Gemünden held the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management at Technische Universität Berlin from 2000 to 2015. He published several books and a great number of articles in the field of Technology and Innovation Management, Project Management, Entrepreneurship. General Management, Organization, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Accounting. Prof. Gemünden’s areas of current interest are the management of innovative projects, project portfolios, and the innovating project-oriented organization.

Alexander Kock

Alexander Kock is a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. He teaches and researches in the areas of innovation and project management. His research interests include organizational issues of innovation management, especially the management of innovation portfolios and the front end of innovation.

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