Projects Deliver Products. Products Deliver Strategy.
PDMA Carolinas | June 14, 2022
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Organizations and products are failing at an alarmingly high rate in today’s economy. It is more important than ever that organizations are able to implement their strategy as effectively as possible. Studies done by PMI show that organizations who are effective at implementing strategy use projects. But this is not the full story, for an organization to achieve its strategic objectives, they need great products.
This webinar will introduce the strategy implementation circle showing the role of project and products in supporting an organization in implementing strategy. The webinar will highlight the need for organizations to use an iterative approach to product development and project execution. The relationship between products and projects and product owners and project managers will be explored in an iterative environment that focuses on delivering products that add value to customers.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the strategy implementation circle
- Design a project execution approach to support product development
- Describe how project managers and product owners support each other
About the Presenter

Peter Monkhouse is a product owner and entrepreneur, with NewGenP being his latest company. Peter an experienced speaker, educator, and consultant with over 40 years of experience leading teams and organizations to deliver value through projects. He has been a keynote speaker at over 20 events around the world and delivered courses for 20 years at Ryerson, the University of Toronto and the University of Calgary to over 6,000 students. Peter recently co-authored the bestselling book Gen P: New Generation of Product Owners who Care about Customers and has given successful presentations and workshops based on the book content to PMI Toronto, Product Toronto, Procter and Gamble.
Peter is an active volunteer with PMI for over 25 years. Peter served on the PMI Board of Directors for 6 years and was the Chair of the 2012 PMI Board and the PMI Educational Foundation Board of Directors for 6 years and was Chair in 2018. Presently Peter is on the Board of Directors Project Managers Without Borders. In 2021, Peter was named a PMI Fellow.