Envisioning the Intelligent Era

Envisioning the Intelligent Era

PDMA Carolinas | October 20, 2020

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The race to develop AI applications and software is on! But what other megatrends and drivers will have major impacts on the technology development of the intelligent era? Based on an exhaustive year-long futures research effort RTI will share the social, ethical, economic and political drivers and trends that will directly shape the future of AI and which product and software developers must understand and anticipate. We will also share three very different visions of where AI and intelligent digital products may be in 2038 so attendees can begin to envision and plan for the future — today! Attendees will be given AI technology constructs, a set of 70 trend/drivers and AI futures scenarios to take back to their company.

About the Presenters

Tom Culver

Tom Culver brings two decades of experience delivering technology and innovation management solutions to global corporations and federal agencies. Increasingly, he’s working with legacy organizations that want to transform digitally. An optical engineer by training, Tom has developed optical and photonic innovations for both large OEMs and startups. He uses this expertise to assess technologies, author custom market analyses, and develop new technology innovation programs.

Tom has a B.S. in Optical Engineering from the University of Rochester.

Jim Redden

Jim Redden works with clients to improve their innovation processes and outcomes. An expert at facilitating innovation, he understands the complexities of organizational initiatives and applies best practices to help teams solve new challenges. Jim has helped establish innovation programs in the Philippines and Saudi Arabia, and in companies across the United States.

He brings diverse perspectives to our clients, having worked as an engineer in oil and gas and a teacher. A podcast connoisseur, whitewater rafting enthusiast, and Cincinnati native, Jim has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.

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