We live in the most rapidly changing time in human history. Recent developments in concepts like Big Data, neural networks, and distributed intelligent applications -- combined with exponential increases in computing power and information storage -- have brought once fantastic ideas like self-driving cars and fully autonomous personal assistance to the mainstream. These, however, are just early examples of what will be possible as these technologies continue to integrate and merge.
At the heart of all of this, of course, is data - to make this integration possible, information flows from a multitude of sources must be enabled, governed, and directed, and shared; concerns abound in terms information security, proper use/privacy, and consistency. Accuracy and speed, interpretability and visualization, distribution and consumption -- these demands will require new ways of thinking about data and information management.
About the Presenter
Joe Fuqua is Chief Data Scientist for Midtown Consulting Group, a leading provider of specialized technology and management consulting services. Throughout his career, Joe has played leadership roles in the design and development of leading-edge technology solutions across the Telecommunications, Financial Services, and Logistics industries; Joe's primary focus today is in helping his clients leverage data assets and analytics to gain competitive advantage and optimize operations.
In the 1980's, Joe served as an early contributor in the development of artificial intelligence, having led research in expert systems and neural networks as well as developing advancements in multi-sensor integration and predictive modeling in dynamic systems.
Joe received his MBA from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. In addition, Joe is a physical scientist, with degrees in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Kentucky, and a data scientist, with certifications from Johns Hopkins University.