Deepak -
You may want to check out this kHUB article by Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy
She offers tactics for successful NPD in Entrepreneurial companies.
Overall the key challenge in an entrepreneurial company seems to know how to balance the consumer knowledge that the entrepreneur may have ....... with ensuring how the other employees take ownership of the NPD process."------------------------------
[Sue] [Burek] [NPDP]
[kHUB Administrator]
[Huntersville] [NC]
Original Message:
Sent: 12-31-2021 23:47
From: Deepak Rao
Subject: The best process for product innovation in product development
What is the best process and efficient steps for product innovation in emerging product development ? What are the strategies to adhere when the product is innovative and unique ?
Deepak Rao
Sysintel Inc