As part of my personal and professional growth, I've been spending time educating myself on topics related to social equality and inclusion. Today I thought I'd share a resource that I found about pronouns in people's email signatures.
As individuals, we use pronouns every day but are we using them in an inclusive manner? Sometimes - yes, sometimes - no.
Today I sat in on a session put on by Lesbians Who Tech (@lesbiantech and entitled:
All Black Lives Matter: Navigating Corporate America as a Non-Binary Techie and Embracing Intersectionality In The Movement
During this session, I learned a lot about pronouns. As an Accomplice/Ally of the LGBTQ+ community, I continue to struggle to incorporate proper pronouns in my day-to-day conversations and so I asked a question and of course, the answer was so simple. Just work on it. It's OK to say to someone that you're having a hard time with the vocabulary but that you're a friend and that you're working on it.
A question that came up right after mine was, "If your pronouns are not he/his or she/hers, how do I refer to you when using titles like Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc? I learned that the title is Mx (pronounced Mix).
I also asked about sharing pronouns and what the "best way" to do so is. There's of course no "best way" but I didn't find this resource that helped me a lot and so I thought I would share it here. Below are five different examples of incorporating your pronouns into your email signature.
I like #5 and have implemented this approach in my signature...which one do you like the most?
Example 1:
Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW
Pronouns: he, him, his
Director, LGBT Resource Center
Office of Diversity and Outreach
University of California, San Francisco
500 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143
Example 2:
Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW
Director, LGBT Resource Center
Office of Diversity and Outreach
University of California, San Francisco
500 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143
Pronouns: he, him, his
Example 3:
Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW (they, them, theirs)
Director, LGBT Resource Center
Office of Diversity and Outreach
University of California, San Francisco
500 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143
Example 4
Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW
Director, LGBT Resource Center
Office of Diversity and Outreach
University of California, San Francisco
500 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143
Pronouns I use: she, her, hers and they, them, theirs
Example 5
Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW
Director, LGBT Resource Center
Office of Diversity and Outreach
University of California, San
Self-expression and self-identification is one of my professional and personal values. One way to practice these values is to share personal gender pronouns. My name is Klint and I use he, him, his pronouns. What pronouns do you use?
Ernie Harris
Interesting Blazer
Saint Petersburg FL
Self-expression and self-identification is one of my professional and personal values. One way to practice these values is to share personal gender pronouns. My name is Ernie and I use he, him, his pronouns. What pronouns do you use?