Enterprise Agility at Scale

Enterprise Agility at Scale

Enterprise Agility at Scale

Parijat Singh, Wells Fargo

Originally presented: January 21, 2021
Watch time: 48 minutes

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Most companies are in the process of transforming to a new world of ‘Agility’. This topic intends to look at Enterprise Agility through a lens of Lean Software/Product development and principles of ‘Theory of Constraints’. Typically, Agile for most companies is limited to processes like Scrum and Kanban which addresses only one piece of the product development lifecycle. This presentation talks about various agility tools available to address all stages of product development as well as problems that prevent scaling up your agile organization. It will show the broad picture of Enterprise Agility by going beyond the buzz words like Digital transformation, DevOps transformation, Cloud transformation etc. Finally, it intends to demonstrate what separates digital native companies who have achieved immense scale in a fraction of time from traditional product development companies. This topic is mostly relevant to Software based products, although the principles can be applied to any product.

About the Presenter

Parijat Singh

PJ Singh has spent 20+ years leading large technology organizations in fortune 100 companies like JP Morgan, TIAA and Wells Fargo. He has an extensive background in leading large-scale transformations, developing strategy, mentoring product development teams. implementing enterprise agility and digital transformation. He is passionate about Lean product/software development that has led him to develop a unique perspective on Enterprise Agility and how to scale it in traditional organizations. His methods have brought 10x-100x improvements in product adoption, delivery and cycle times thereby earning him the reputation of a relentless change leader and problem solver in every organization he has been in. PJ holds an engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

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