Virtual VOC

Virtual VOC: How to understand B2B customer needs...without a plane ride

Virtual VOC: How to understand B2B customer needs… without the plane ride

Dan Adams, The AIM Institute

Originally presented: July 16, 2020
Watch time: 55 minutes

Access the Webcast

Dan Adams of the AIM Institute has taught tens of thousands how to interview customers in-person and through web-conferences. Because of today’s travel restrictions, AIM has taken virtual VOC (VVOC) methods to the next level… so you can too! You’ll learn the 10 advantages of Virtual VOC… and 8 tips for becoming a VVOC pro. Use these difficult times to build your skills and gain customer insights to lower NPD commercial risk. Participants will receive a copy of AIM’s new white paper, Virtual VOC.

About the Presenter

Dan Adams

Dan Adams is the Founder and President of The AIM Institute, and author of New Product Blueprinting: The Handbook for B2B Organic Growth. He is a chemical engineer and holder of many patents and innovation awards, including a listing in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. One of the foremost experts in B2B innovation, Dan has taught B2B professionals in every region of the world in hundreds of workshops. An award-winning speaker, he has lectured at Wharton’s Executive MBA program and other North American & European universities, and is a popular industry keynote speaker.

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