Machine Learning

Machine Learning: Leading the Insights Revolution

Machine Learning: Leading the Insights Revolution

Gerry Katz and Kristyn Corrigan, Applied Marketing Science

Originally presented: May 21, 2020
Watch time: 1 hour, 5 minutes

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Machine learning is an increasingly prevalent term in today’s innovation landscape. But what is it and why is it so important?

The ultimate measure of successful innovation in a mature and well-understood category hinges on its ability to uncover new, game-changing insights and to know which customer needs to solve for now. Now more than ever product developers need to quickly and easily discover new insights on smaller budgets and within shorter time frames. But how can researchers maximize the chances of uncovering new, breakthrough insights within those constraints? Applied Marketing Science, in collaboration with researchers at MIT, has developed a new way to uncover and prioritize the most critical game changing insights for innovation from existing user generated content – surfacing those nuanced insights that traditional research might overlook. Learn how advances to this emerging technology will help you to answer your most pressing innovation insights questions faster and cheaper than ever before.

About the Presenters

Gerry Katz

Gerry Katz is Vice Chairman of Applied Marketing Science (AMS). He has presented at and chaired many PDMA conferences over the past two decades and served on the PDMA board for many years, chairing its Body of Knowledge Committee and writing and editing extensively for PDMA Visions.

Kristyn Corrigan

Kristyn Corrigan is a Principal with AMS where she leads the firm’s Insights for Innovation Practice. She was heavily involved in the research and development of the method to be presented here as well as its delivery to several leading clients. She has spoken about machine learning at several conferences, including TMRE, CRC, FEI and NEIA. Her published work has been featured in Fast Company and Marketing News, and she has guest lectured at several institutions including the MIT Sloan School.

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