PDMA St. Louis Leadership

Drew Rappalen

Jerry Fix

PDMA Function:

Currently serving as Co- President. Previously served as Sponsorship/Outreach and Nominations Chair. Previously served as STL Chapter President (2022)

Jerry is a Product Leader with 20+ years of both classical and digital product management experience in varied industries -both B2B and B2C -in global markets. Focused on capturing customer needs and insights to develop winning product strategies, and then guiding the execution of those strategies to deliver both product and financial success to organizations. Jerry has a B.S. EE and MBA; He is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and NPDP certified by PDMA


Ananya Bhattacharyya

Ananya Bhattacharyya

PDMA Function:

Currently serving as Co-Chair of the Program Committee. Focused on bringing action - oriented programming , tools and resources and building a high impact community for product development and management professionals, innovation and R&D practitioners, academics and service providers.

Ananya Bhattacharyya is an enterprising, process-driven, and globally experienced product leader at MasterCard. She has a strong technical and financial services background and continually strives to guide creative vision, organizational change, customer-driven innovation, product transformation and strategic thinking in her professional career


Sasi Ravichandar

Sasi Ravichandar

PDMA Function:

Currently serving on the Sponsorship Committee - At Large. Previously served as Co-Chair of Program Committee.

Sasi Ravichandar is a colloborative, process focused product leader with over 17 years of experience in US Healthcare, delivering products in EHR and Population health space. As a process-oriented technology leader, Sasi is passionate about delivering able web and data products with an outstanding eye for quality. She is CSPO certified and has SAFe training (Agilist and Product Management)


Drew Rappalen

Drew Rappalen

PDMA Function:

Currently serving on Sponsorship Committee. Previously served as PDMA St. Louis Marketing Chair.

Drew is a Technology Portfolio Delivery Leader and Consultant at Daugherty Business Solutions with 10 years experience leading Agile Product teams. Focused on connecting technical and business teams from Product Ideation and requirement definition to Product Release. Drew’s certifications include: ICP-APM, ICP-APO, PMI-ACP, ICP-ATF, CSP.


Stacy Heuer

Stacy Heuer

PDMA Function:

Currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer and At Large Board member

Stacy is a Principal Consultant with Integrated Project Management. Stacy has over 25 years of experience leading new product development efforts in the consumer packaged goods space from discovery through to post launch support. Stacy has a BS in Food Science from Purdue University and is both a PMP and an NPDP certified. She also has an Advanced Masters Certificate in Project Management and a Masters Certificate in Program Management both from George Washington University.


Alex Courtney

Alex Courtney

PDMA Function:

Currently serving as Marketing member - At Large

Alex Courtney is a digital innovator with experience across healthcare, agriculture, and financial industries. In his role at BJC Healthcare, he is responsible for Product Management, Agility, and Product Analytics. He is passionate about delivering high quality products that creates an ideal user experience and enables successful business outcomes. As part of his current role, he is also co-leading BJC's transformation to becoming a more product-led organization. He also serves as an Ambassador for St. Louis Childrens Hospital Foundation and volunteers with HavenHouse St. Louis.


Sheryl Cullom

Sheryl Cullom

PDMA Function:

Currently Serving as Marketing Chair, focused on optimizing online marketing and promotions for maximum goal achievement, efficient process, and using data-driven insight to serve members effectively

Sheryl Cullom is a transformation leader and entrepreneur with more than two decades of experience delivering strategic visions, products and programs into successful realities. Sheryl's is committed to driving creative vision, organizational change and innovative thinking through her expertise in digital/organizational transformation, product development and program delivery. She is passionate about community, relationship building, values continuous learning and growth and on a mission to helping professional thrive and grow sustainably through resilience, adaptability and productivity mastery.


Milica Floyd

Milica Floyd

PDMA Function:

Currently serving as a President Elect.

Milica (Millie) Floyd is a product manager at Mastercard, focusing on global loyalty products. She has a strong background in retail and e-commerce, customer experience and digital optimization. She is a researcher at heart and believes great products come out of great questions.
