Ideation and the Designer's Mindset – TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes Ideation and the Designer’s Mindset People ask me, 'Don't you ever run out of ideas?' Well, in the first place, I don't use ideas. Every time I have an idea, it's too limiting and usually...
Sustainable Product Design - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes Sustainable Product Design “If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or...
TED Talks on Team Leadership Read Time: 2 Minutes Lead like the Great Conductors Click Here to Watch Watch Time: 20 Minutes In this video Itay Talgam talks about leading a team the way a conductor leads an orchestra – producing music out of chaos. Practitioner Points: ...
Simplicity in Design - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antonine de Saint-Exupery How do we make things as simple, inexpensive, functional, and...
Creativity - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes The Power of Imagination Designing products and services involves deeply understanding consumers’ beliefs, attitudes, and inner selves as product managers; the journey to a fine and competitive product is a function...
Motivating Teams - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes The Puzzle of Motivation by Dan Pink Click here to Watch Keeping team members motivated is challenging for leaders. Looking at the science of teams, Dan Pick offers some ways to motivate people. Dan...
TED Talks Related to Product Design & Development Tools Read time: 2 minutes Have you heard the statement: Forms follow function? When designing products, we often identify the consumer needs to solve, translate them to functions, identify clusters, and build an architecture...
Product Design & Development Tools TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read time: 2 minutes Designing products and services involve a deep understanding of consumers’ beliefs, attitudes, and their inner selves. As product managers the journey to a fine and competitive product if a...